Hello, I am Dr Ramsell.  I perform entertaining science demonstrations for K - 8th grade at Carden Cascade Academy in Hillsboro, Oregon.  The goal is to stimulate children's interest in science by showing them some of the fascinating aspects of physics while keeping it simple and easy to understand.

This web site is designed to be a resource for teachers, students, and anyone else who wants to do science demonstrations.  On this site you will find write ups to each of my Shows, and links to the individual Demos, as well as instructions on how to build and use each of the demos. 

Feel free to duplicate any of the demos or shows that you find on this web site. The links to the individual demos are not 100% complete yet, so if you need information about a specific demo that is not completed, feel free to contact me, and I'll try to finish that writeup and post it for you.

A message to Parents:
You could do something like this at your child's school !    Believe me you can. 
Don't think that you need a Ph.D. in physics to do this.   If you have an interest in science and a little bit of money to buy some equipment, then you can go talk to the teachers at your local school, and most likely they would love to have you come in and do some science Demonstrations.  Just remember to start small, and try to make sure it is fun and interesting so the children enjoy it. 

Good luck stimulating those wonderful little minds in your school !


Dr. Ramsell performs entertaining science demonstrations that teach physics in a way that is easy to understand. Dr. Ramsell's Science Theater is based in Portland, Oregon, and is an extension of the Original Science Theatre at Michigan State University.